JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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1,133 lines
║ Main Help Menu ║
Enter Topic Code
TW ··· Command Line Switches
TC ··· Summary of Key Commands
TE ··· Using the Internal Editor
TV ··· Reserved Variable Names
TZ ··· How to Upload and Download
TF ··· List of Macro Functions
TS ··· Searching for Text in Files
TN ··· List of Key-labels
TL ··· What is on the Status Line
TR ··· How to Register {COMMO}
{COMMO}(tm) Help
(C)Copyright 1989,1992 Fred P. Brucker
All Rights Reserved
║ {COMMO} Key Commands ║
Enter Topic Code
All commands are fully described in
TA ··· Alt-A ASCII Upload
Alt-B Send Break Signal
Alt-C Clear Terminal Screen
TD ··· Alt-D Dialing Directory
Alt-G Edit Setup File
Alt-H Hang Up Modem
TI ··· Alt-I Screen Image Save
TK ··· Alt-K Scrollback
TM ··· Alt-M Macro Processor
TD ··· Alt-N Multi Number Dial
Alt-O Initialize Modem
TP ··· Alt-P Set Terminal Parameters
Alt-T Set Toggles
Alt-W Send Current Password
Alt-S Shell to DOS
Alt-U Utility/Host Mode Menu
Alt-X Exit from {COMMO}
TZ ··· PgDn Download Files
TZ ··· PgUp Upload Files
Alt-= Doorway Mode
T1 ··· Alt-F2 Capture File Options
Alt-F6 Chat Mode
Alt-F10 Print Log
{COMMO}(tm) Help
(C)Copyright 1989,1992 Fred P. Brucker
All Rights Reserved
║ Alt-A ║ ASCII Upload ║
Sends prepared messages or text files
to the remote system. The upload path
is displayed when the window is opened.
Complete the pathname by entering the
name of the file to be sent.
│ Keys in ASCII Upload Window │
[Enter] Begin sending the file.
[Space] Send the next line (if pacing
is on).
[PgUp] Look behind the window.
│ Line Pacing Character │
If the remote prompts for each line
with "nn:", enter a ":" for the pacing
character. Use "no pacing" for
full-screen editors. Use the Spacebar
to force transmission of the next line
(manual pacing).
│ Applicable Options │
Inter-Character Delay. Adds a delay
after each character.
Strip Linefeeds. Sends data as if it
were being typed.
Expand Blank Lines. Blank lines will
not terminate a message.
║ Alt-D ║ Dialing Directory ║
Maintains telephone numbers and starts
Single or Multi Number Dialing.
│ Keys in Dialing Directory Window │
Selector Bar up/dwn 1 line.
<-- --> Scroll screen up/dwn 1 line.
PgUp PgDn Scroll screen up/dwn 1 pg.
Home End Selector Bar to top/bottom
of screen.
^PgUp ^PgDn Go to beginning/end of file.
[E] Edit the Dialing Directory.
[S] Search for text from top of file.
[D] Search from current top of page.
[A] Search again, same text.
[Enter] Dial number at Selector Bar.
[M] Manual dial, enter # at
[Space] Mark/unmark a # for dialing.
[Alt-N] Dial all marked numbers.
[Y] Erase dialing marks.
[Alt-K] Jump to Scrollback.
[Alt-M] Jump to Macro Processor.
[Alt-X] Terminate {COMMO}.
│ How to Dial │
To dial a SINGLE number, move the
Selector Bar to the desired system
entry, then press [Enter].
In the dialing window you may press:
[Space] to hang up and redial.
[T] to reset the dialing or
delay timer.
[Esc] to cancel dialing.
To dial MULTIPLE numbers in sequence,
use [Space] to mark the desired
numbers, then press [Alt-N]. The
location of the Selector Bar will be
used to begin the dialing sequence.
In the dialing window you may press:
[Space] to skip to the next number.
[R] to remove the current number
from the queue.
[T] to reset the dialing or
delay timer.
[Esc] to cancel dialing.
│ Dialing Directory Entry Example │
Scroll to see entire entry -->>
System Telephone System Linked Terminal Last
Name Number Password Macro Parameters Called
┌───────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌────┐ ┌────────┐ ┌──────┐
City BBS {555-1234} {password} {city} {2400,8n1} 05/20/90
All items except the SYSTEM NAME are
enclosed in curly braces. Unused items
should be replaced with a null string
{}. Trailing nulls may be omitted.
The TELEPHONE NUMBER string may have
variables anywhere in the string.
At the beginning or end, the variables
will replace the default prefix or
The SYSTEM PASSWORD that you place
here is stored when the system is
dialed. It may be sent out using
[Alt-W] or the "%_pas" variable in a
SEND macro function.
The LINKED MACRO is started when a
connection is established.
A TERMINAL PARAMETER should be omitted
if it is the same as the Dialing
Default. All parameters may be
specified as in: {9600,7e1,3,V,10}.
The DATE LAST CALLED will be replaced
with the current date at connection.
VARIABLES may be set whenever the
entry is dialed. Any number of items
may be added beyond the Terminal
Parameters in the form: {name,string}.
Entries are restricted to one line
(up to 255 characters).
║ Alt-I ║ Screen Image Save ║
Appends all of the information
currently on the screen to a disk file.
The current pathname is displayed when
the window is opened.
│ Keys in Screen Image Save Window │
[Enter] Append the screen image to
the indicated file.
[Alt-N] Change the filename without
saving the screen.
[PgUp] Look behind the window.
║ Alt-K ║ Scrollback ║
Displays text that has scrolled off
the screen. Scrollback maintains a
buffer in memory which contains the
most recent text that has been on the
screen. The size of this buffer is
defined in the Setup File.
│ Keys in Scrollback Buffer Window │
Scroll screen up/dwn 1 line.
PgUp PgDn Scroll screen up/dwn 1 page.
^PgDn ^PgDn Go to begin/end of buffer.
[S] Search for text from top of file.
[D] Search from current top of page.
[A] Search again, same text.
[C] Change the Screen Image Save
[W] Write a block of text to current
Screen Image. Save file.
You will be prompted to position the
Selector Bar to the start and then to
the end of the block. Use the arrow
keys, PgUp, PgDn, etc.
[F10] Mark the current position in
the buffer and exit. The next
time you call Scrollback you
will return to this position
(unless it has scrolled off
the top of the buffer).
[Alt-D] Jump to Dialing Directory.
Mark current position.
[Alt-M] Jump to Macro Processor.
Mark current position.
[Alt-X] Terminate {COMMO}.
║ Alt-P ║ Set Terminal Parameters ║
Makes changes to either of {COMMO}'s
two sets of Terminal Parameters:
CURRENT Settings and DIALING Defaults.
indicated on the left side of the
Status Line. The Current Settings are
always set to the DIALING DEFAULTS just
before each number is dialed. They are
then overridden by any parameters in
the Dialing Directory TERMINAL
│ Keys in Set Terminal Params Window │
The keys to change individual
parameters are shown in the window.
Changes are shown in the parameter
string at the top.
[F2] Toggle between Current Settings
and Dialing Defaults. You may
make changes to either or both
sets of parameters.
[Enter] Save all changes and exit.
Changes to Current Settings
become effective immediately.
Changes to Dialing Defaults
will be used the next time
you dial.
║ Alt-M ║ Macro Processor ║
Maintains and executes macros contained
in the Macro File.
Macros may be used to reassign {COMMO}
key commands to different keys. They
may be used to alter the behavior of
key commands. And they may be used to
perform complex tasks when you write
macro "scripts."
│ Keys in Macro Processor Window │
Selector Bar up/dwn 1 line.
<-- --> Scroll screen up/dwn 1 line.
PgUp PgDn Scroll screen up/dwn 1 page.
Home End Selector Bar to top/bottom
of screen.
^PgUp ^PgDn Go to beginning/end of file.
[E] Edit the Macro File.
[S] Search for text from top of file.
[D] Search from current top of page.
[A] Search again, same text.
[Enter] Start macro at Selector Bar.
[V] View String Variable Space.
[Alt-D] Jump to Dialing Directory.
[Alt-K] Jump to Scrollback window.
[Alt-X] Terminate {COMMO}.
│ How to Start a Macro │
Move the Selector Bar to the desired
macro location and press the [Enter]
│ Uploading / Downloading │
Press [PgUp] or [PgDn] to bring up the
menus for Uploading or Downloading.
{COMMO} includes most variations of
Xmodem and Ymodem Batch as internal
protocols. Also included are macros
for running external protocol "driver"
programs. See COMMO.DOC for details on
installing these drivers.
Be sure you first tell the host system
(BBS) that you want to Upload or
Download. When the host tells you to
start your Xmodem (or other protocol),
press PgUp or PgDn and select the
desired protocol. Allow several
seconds for the "handshaking."
{COMMO}'s Auto Receive feature lets you
start Zmodem and other protocols
automatically (see COMMO.DOC). You can
also add a key-label to any macro and
it will start when you press the key
(see MACRO.DOC).
│ Reserved Variable Names │
Reserved variables entered in String
Variable Space:
_modini Modem Initialization String
_dialpf Default dialing prefix
_dialsf Default dialing suffix
_dialsr Dialing success response(s)
_dialfr Dialing failure response(s)
_dialir Inter-dial delay response(s)
_dialrt Dialing response text
_uselog Pathname of Usage Log
"Built-in" variables not entered in
String Variable Space:
_hom {COMMO} home dir c:\commo\, etc.
_set Filename of Setup File
_fon Filename of Dialing Directory
_mac Filename of default Macro File
_cap Current Capture File pathname
_scr Current Screen Image pathname
_err Errorlevel from last EXEC-D,
RXMOdem or SXMOdem
_pos Position in string
_len Length of string
_por Current serial port number:
1, 2, etc.
_spe Current serial port speed:
2400, 9600, etc.
_mod Last speed reported by modem
_nci Number of characters in input
_dtc Dialing termination code
_rem Remainder from last DIVIde
_pas Current Password String
_ela Elapsed time in minutes
_dat Full date (format in Setup)
_mon Month, mm
_day Day of the month, dd
_yea Year, yy
_dwn Numeric day of the week:
1=Mon, ... , 7=Sun
_dwt Text day of the week:
Mon, Tue, ...
_tim Full time (format in Setup)
_24h 24 hour, hh
_12h 12 hour, hh
_amp Am/pm indicator, xm
_min Minute, mm
_sec Second, ss
_row Current cursor row
_col Current cursor column
│ List of Macro Functions │
Four-letter function name abbreviations
are shown in uppercase (case is
ignored). Many arguments are optional.
Function switches are all shown for
In some cases omitting arguments will
bring up the associated window or
toggle a toggle (e.g. DIAL or SOUNd).
Detailed descriptions in MACRO.DOC.
If a function also has a default
Alt-key, the key is shown as [A] for
[Alt-A] (except Fn keys).
─────────────────── ───────────
Function, Arguments Description
─────────────────── ───────────
{ALARm ring-count} Ring the alarm
{ASCIiup-ES pathname [\],pacing} [A]
ASCII Upload
{ABAUd y/n} AutoBaud toggle
{AUTO label,string} Auto Receive
{BEEP} Sound a beep
{BREAk} [B] Send Break
{CALL label} Execute a macro
{CALOok label1,label2,string}
Additional string to look for
{CAPMode s/f/r} Set Capture Mode
{CAPTure y/n,pathname} [Alt-F2]
Capture File Options
{CHATmode y/n} [Alt-F6]
Chat Mode toggle
{CLEAr} [C] Clear Screen
{COMPare name,string}
Compare a variable to a string
{CURSor y/n}
Terminal Screen cursor toggle
{DECRement name,number}
Subract from a numeric variable
{DIAL-C tries,label} [D]
Dialing Directory
{DISPlay row,col,attr,string}
Display a string to the screen
{DIVIde name,number}
Divide a numeric variable
{DOORway-SM} [=] Doorway Mode toggle
{DPARms spd,frmt,port,term,delay}
Set dial default parameters
{ELAPse} Reset the elapsed timer
{EDIT pathname} Edit a file
{EXECute-ADNSWn command}
Execute a DOS command
{EXIT-D return-code} [X] {Exit {COMMO}
{GETString-HPA name,count,label}
Get a string from the modem
{GOLOok label,string}
Additional string to look for
{GOTO label}
Transfer control to a label
{HANGup y/n} Drop DTR to hangup
{HELP nn} [F1] Online Help topic
{HFLOW y/n} Hardware flow control
{HOLD hh:mm}
Hold until specified 24 hr time
{IFCArrier true,false}
Test for presence of carrier detect
{IFCOndition-ELG true,false}
Test conditions set by COMPare
{IFERrorlevel number,true,false}
Test if EXEC-D exit code ≥ number
{IFEXist pathname,true,false}
Test for existence of file(s)
{INCRement name,number}
Add to a numeric variable
{INITmodem} [O]
Send modem init string
{INPUt name,prompt}
Input from the keyboard
{INSTring name,string}
Find a string within a string
{LENGth string}
Determine the length of a string
{LIGHts y/n} Signal Lights toggle
{LOCAlecho y/n} Local Echo toggle
{LOOKfor string}
Look for string from port
{MACLoad-R filename,label}
Load a new Macro File
{MACRo string} [M]
Macro Processor window
{MARK string} Mark numbers for dialing
{MULTiply name,number}
Multiply a numeric variable
{NOCArrier label}
Execute a macro when carrier drops
{NOOP} No-op function, does nothing
{PARMs spd,frmt,port,term,delay} [P]
Set current terminal parameters
{PASSword} [W] Send current password
{PAUSe nnn}
Pause for interval 1-999 second
{POPStack-C} Pop from the macro stack
{PRINtlog y/n} [Alt-F10]
Print Log toggle
{PUSHstack label}
Push a location to the macro stack
{RCLOse} Close the read file
{READ name}
Read from a file to a variable
{RETUrn} Return from a CALL
{ROPEn pathname,label}
Open a file for reading
{RTRAn-I item,item,...}
Maintain receive Translate Table
{RXMOdem-ACDGWnY pathname}
Receive a file using Xmodem
{RYMOdem-ACDGWnY pathname}
Receive files using Ymodem Batch
{SCREen y/n,pathname} [I]
Screen Image Save
{SCROllback} [K]
Display Scrollback Buffer
{SEND string} Send a text string
{SETDial timer1,timer2}
Set DIAL parameters
{SETEsc-P label}
Set a label to GOTO on Esc
{SETGet get-timer,label, y/n/l,string}
Set GETString parameters
{SETLook look-timer,label,prompt-timer,
Set LOOKfor parameters
{SETVariable-ES name,string}
Assign a string to a variable name
{SFLOw y/n} Software flow control
{SHELl-S} [S] Shell to DOS
Set state of hardware signals
{SOUNd y/n} Master Sound toggle
{SPDCtrl y/n}
Serial port display control
{SPOCtrl y/n} Serial port output control
{STATusline y/n}
Status Line on/off toggle
{STOP} or {} Stop macro processing
{STRAn-I item,item,...}
Maintain send Translate Table
{SUBString name,[-]start,count,string}
Move a substring to a variable
{SXMOdem-ADKWn pathname}
Send a file using Xmodem
{SYMOdem-ADKWn filespec,...}
Send files using Ymodem Batch
{TOGGles} [T] Set Toggles
{UNMArk-L strings}
Unmark Dialing Directory entries
{VTCUr string1|string2}
VT102 cursor key strings
{VTPAd string1|string2}
VT102 keypad key strings
{WCLOse} Close the write file
{WOPEn-A pathname}
Open a file for writing
{WRITe string} Write a string to a file
│ List of Key-labels │
If a key-label is used in a macro, the
key may be pressed from the Terminal
Screen to start the macro.
Key Names followed by the Key-labels:
Normal-F1 nf1 ··· Normal-F10 nf0
Ctrl-F1 cf1 ··· Ctrl-F10 cf0
Shift-F1 sf1 ··· Shift-F10 sf0
Alt-F1 af1 ··· Alt-F10 af0
Alt-A ala ··· Alt-Z alz
Alt-1 al1 ··· Alt-0 al0
Alt = al= Alt - al-
Escape esc Grey * gr*
Grey - gr- Grey + gr+
Backspace bsp ^Backspace cbs
Tab tab Shift-tab stb
Enter ent ^Enter cen
Home hom End end
PgUp pgu PgDn pgd
Up-Arrow upa Down-Arow dna
Left-Arro lfa Right-Arow rta
Insert ins Delete del
^Home chm ^End cnd
^PgUp cpu ^PgDn cpd
^Right-Arw cra ^Left-Arow cla
Keypad-0 kp0 Keypad- kp9
Keypad-. kp. ^PrtSc cpr
│ Enhanced keyboard │
You must have {tek=yes} in the Setup
File to use these keys.
Normal-F11 nfa Normal-F12 nfb
Ctrl-F11 cfa Ctrl-F12 cfb
Shift-F11 sfa Shift-F12 sfb
Alt-F11 afa Alt-F12 afb
Alt-[ al[ Alt-] al]
Alt-; al; Alt-' al'
Alt-, al< Alt-. al.
Alt-/ al/ Alt-\ al\
Alt-* al* Alt-` al`
Center Key cky
The Center Key is the Keypad 5 with
Numlock off.
║ Alt-F2 ║ Capture File Options ║
Keeps a continuous record of everything
that you see on your screen.
The information is written to a disk
file if Capture is OPEN.
The current pathname is displayed when
the window is opened.
Data may be captured in one of three
different modes:
S = Screen - as it appears on the
Terminal Screen.
F = Filter - stripped of ANSI control
R = Raw - exactly as it comes from
the serial port.
│ Keys in Capture File Options Window │
[Enter] OPEN the indicated file.
[Alt-F2] CLOSE the currently open
Capture File.
[Alt-S] Set Capture Mode to Screen.
[Alt-F] Set Capture Mode to Filter.
[Alt-R] Set Capture Mode to Raw.
[PgUp] Look behind the window.
│ Command Line Switches │
Command line switches override Setup
File items where applicable. Here is
a summary of all command line switches:
/iy, /in Initilize, don't initialize
/:label Startup macro.
/sfilename Alternate Setup File.
/dfilename Alternate Dialing Directory
/mfilenmae Alternate default Macro File.
/knn Size of Scrollback Buffer
in kbytes.
/vnnnnn Size of String Variable Space
in bytes.
║ The Internal Editor ║
The INTERNAL EDITOR is used to modify
the Setup File, the Dialing Directory
and the Macro File. In addition, it
can be used to edit any external file.
enter data at various prompts, supports
the following keys: left/right arrow,
home/end, backspace, insert/delete,
Alt-Y (clear input field).
│ Navigation Keys │ ^ means hold the
└─────────────────┘ Ctrl Key
Cursor up/down.
<-- --> Cursor left/right.
F3 F4 Scroll screen vert
F5 F6 Scroll screen horiz
PgUp PgDn Scroll screen 1 page.
Home End Cursor to beg/end line.
^Home ^End Cursor to top/bot scrn.
^--> ^<-- Cursor to next/prev
string, { ... }.
Tab Shft-tab Cursor to next/prev
tab stop.
^PgUp ^PgDn Go to beg/end of file.
Alt-S Search for text from top
of file.
Alt-D Search from current top
of page.
Alt-A Search again, same text.
│ Editing keys │
Alt-F Save file to disk.
F2 An easy way to type "{"
and "}". Automatically
selects the correct brace.
Alt-C Copy cursor line to paste
Alt-I Insert a blank line ahead
of cursor line
Use the Enter key to insert
lines at the end of the file.
Alt-P Insert paste buffer ahead
of cursor line.
Alt-T Truncate from cursor to end-of-line.
Alt-U Undo (restore) current line.
Alt-Y Delete cursor line (into
paste buffer).
Ins Toggle insert mode.
Del Delete character under
cursor. At end of line:
join the next line.
Backspace Rubout character to left of
cursor. At start of line:
join to previous line.
Enter Split the line (Insert Mode
ON). Go to start of next
line (Insert Mode OFF).
Insert new lines at the
end of the file.
Esc End edit, changes will be
saved automatically.
Alt-Q Quit edit, changes will not
be saved automatically.
F7 Display the Color Chart.
│ Rules │
IMPORTANT! See "Saving the Support
Files" in COMMO.DOC for details on the
use of Alt-Q.
The paste buffer is only one line and
contains the last line you:
(1) changed in any way.
(2) deleted with Alt-Y.
(3) copied with Alt-C.
Pressing Alt-P will insert this line
into the file, above the cursor line.
Lines may be up to 255 characters in
The "undo" key, Alt-U, will restore the
current line only if no scrolling or
vertical cursor movement has occurred.
{COMMO} files should not contain any
"tab" characters (ASCII 9).
A file will be re-written to the same
path/name from which it was loaded.
│ Searching for Text in Files │
The text search feature is used to find
a string of characters. It is
available in all File Windows
(including Scrollback). In the Help
window it may be used as an index to
find information quickly.
Repeat searches will begin at the start
of the next line. This applies in the
Internal Editor as well (only one find
per line). Case is ignored.
│ Keys used for searching │
[S] Enter a string. Search from the
start of the file. Use [Alt-S]
in the Internal Editor.
[D] Enter a string. Search from the
current top of screen. Use
[Alt-D] in the Internal Editor.
[A] Search again for the same string.
Searching starts at the current
top of screen. Use [Alt-A] in
the Internal Editor.
║ What is on the Status Line ║
The Status Line at the bottom of the
Terminal Screen is used to report events
and to show important settings.
The LEFT HALF of the Status Line
usually looks like this:
│ Terminal Parameters │
│ Press [Alt-L] to change these items. │
│ │
│ ┌─────────────── Current Speed │
│ │ ┌────────── Current Data Format │
│ │ │ ┌─────── Current active Serial Port # │
│ │ │ │ ┌───── Terminal Emulation Type │
│ │ │ │ │ ┌─── Inter-Character Delay │
│ │
│ {2400,8n1,1,A,10} │
│ Settings, Connect Time, Macro │
│ ┌──────── [s/f/r] Capture Mode ·· [Screen/Filter/Raw] │
│ │┌─────── [C/c] Capture File ············· [ON/off] │
│ ││┌────── [P/p] Print Log ················ [ON/off] │
│ │││┌───── [N/n] Master Sound ············· [ON/off] │
│ ││││┌──── [L/l] Local Echo ··············· [ON/off] │
│ │││││ ┌──────── Elapsed timer (see note below) │
│ │││││ │ ┌──── Macro is executing │
│ │
│ scpnl 15: │
Note: the elapsed timer is reset
whenever dialing is started and
whenever a connection is established.
Time is reported in minutes.
The RIGHT HALF of the Status Line may
be toggled between the System Name and
the Signal Lights Display (use Alt-T
to change):
│ Signal Lights Display │ Serial Port
└───────────────────────┘ Indicators
│ ┌──────────────────── Break interrupt │
│ │┌─────────────────── Framing error │
│ ││┌────────────────── Parity error │
│ │││┌───────────────── Overrun error │
│ ││││ ┌─────────────── Request to send RTS │
│ ││││ │┌────────────── Clear to send CTS │
│ ││││ ││ ┌──────────── ring Indicate RI │
│ ││││ ││ │┌─────────── carrier Detect CD │
│ ││││ ││ ││ ┌───────── transmit │
│ ││││ ││ ││ │┌──────── receive │
│ ││││ ││ ││ ││ ┌────── data Terminal ready DTR │
│ ││││ ││ ││ ││ │┌───── data Set ready DSR │
│ ││││ ││ ││ ││ ││ ┌── FIFO buffers enabled │
│ │
│ BFPO RC ID tr TS ƒ │
║ F1 ║ How to Use Online Help ║
IMPORTANT: Online Help is intended as
a quick reference only. Please refer
to COMMO.DOC for details on all
program functions.
NOTE: Many Help topics are longer than
one page (depending on the size of your
screen). You may need to scroll lines
or pages to view the entire topic.
When you see a bar "▒▒▒▒▒▒T0▒▒▒▒▒▒" you
are at the end of the topic.
│ Keys in Online Help Window │
Scroll screen up/down one
PgUp PgDn Scroll screen up/down one
^PgUp ^PgDn Go to beginning/end of Help
[E] Internal Editor help.
[S] Search for text from top of
[D] Search from current top of
[A] Search again, same text.
[H] How to use Online Help.
[M] Go to Main Help Menu.
[C] Go to {COMMO} Key Commands.
[T][x] Select a topic, [x] is the
topic code.
Help is always started with the [F1]
key command. From the Terminal Screen
you will first see the list of Key
Commands. From other windows you will
go directly to context-related topics.
Once in Online Help you may navigate to
any other area.
║ How to Register {COMMO} ║
{COMMO} is not free!!! If you like this
program and plan to continue using it,
you are obligated to pay the modest
registration fee. Please do your part
to ensure further development of a
unique program.
for complete pricing and ordering
information. Registration allows you to
eliminate the opening advertisement and
to personalize your copy of the program.
Fred P. Brucker